
Crazy Planets - Mission Complete Hack

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9

1) Open Crazy Planets and enter any mission

2) Win the mission and return to Earth

3) Open Cheat Engine, and select process firefox

4) Copy the Hex F685D8758B1C4389

5) Search Hex, Exact Value, 8 Bytes, Also Scan Read-Only Memory

6) Dissasemble

7) Debug, Toggle Breakpoint (or press F5)

8) Go to the mission is to gain q

9) When the mission is to win the freezer firefox will play. Are passed to the EC and on the right side will be the red and change the value of EAX by the number 13 (19 decimal) and give Ok


Safe Traders Lists

Trade fair and your name will be added. Have fun getting your free items:
Add your profile to the comments to get added

Once you accepted your friend request, get your free items and leave a note to him/her to get the free items before deletion.

The Trusted Lists


The Wall of Shame



Feel free to post at the comments below if you think there's something wrong with the guide or you have anything to contribute. Your profile/account will be credited for you hard work. Thank you


Crazy Planets Weapons Chart

Crazy Planets Weapons Chart
Types of weapons available in Crazy Planets

Crazy Planets Weapons Chart


Crazy Planets Monster Chart

Crazy Planets Monster Chart
HP or Hit Points for Crazy Planets Monsters

Crazy Planets Monster Chart


What are the levels and rewards for levelling?

Experience Points

*Under construction*

Level 1
0 XP

Level 2
1,000 XP
+10 Health, 500 Coins

Level 3
3,000 XP
+1 Team Mate, 500 Coins

Level 4
9,000 XP
+5 Health, 500 Coins

Level 5
19,000 XP
+5 Health, Unlock ISDA Galaxy, 500 Coins

Level 6
34,000 XP
+5 Health, 500 Coins

Level 7
50,000 XP
+5 Health, 500 Coins

Level 8
65,000 XP
+10 Health, 500 Coins

Level 9
125,000 XP
+1 Team Mate, 500 Coins

Level 10
220,000 XP
+10 Health, Unlock PEIX Galaxy, 500 Coins

Level 11
370,000 XP
+5 Health, 500 Coins

Level 12
580,000 XP
+5 Health, 500 Coins

Level 13
800,000 XP
+10 Health, 500 Coins

Level 14
1,100,000 XP
+10 Health, 500 Coins

Level 15
1,450,000 XP


Can I change the units on my team?

Yes, to do this, when in the mission screen, prior to accepting the mission, select the unit you would like to change. Towards to bottom left of the unit screen that comes up you will see a picture of a unit with a red cross, select that.

You will be back at the mission screen and prompted to ‘Add New Unit’ where the unit you just removed was before. Select that to choose your next team mate!


How do I trade on Crazy Planets?

*Under construction*

You can trade crystals and metals with your friends by…


I bought some items that I no longer want for my planet, can I sell them back or gift them?

Sorry, items bought to customise your planet cannot be sold back or gifted away.


How to I edit or change my character’s avatar?

The first time you play, you will be prompted to set up your characters avatar. If you wish to change it in the future, go to the screen which shows you team before a mission (selecting any mission will do); select your character; in the bottom left of the dialogue box that comes up you will see the below icon, select that, and then edit as you wish (be sure to select the tick after you are happy with your changes).


What happens if I do not complete my shot in the given time, and how can I pause the game?

You are given 30 seconds for each turn, if you do not take a shot within the given timeframe, you will forfeit that turn. If for some reason you wish to forfeit a turn without waiting the 30 seconds, you can select the cross symbol below your current unit when they are not already holding a weapon.

If you need to leave the game mid-mission and do not wish to forfeit your turns until you return, you can pause the game. To do this select the ‘Quit Mission’ button in the bottom left corner of your mission screen. Just ensure that when you return, you select the cross (not the tick) to continue playing.


When is the Multiplayer Galaxy coming?

This is like the secret of the Crazy Planets universe! No one knows yet! But when it arrives, I’m sure it will be the buzz of the forum!


When playing a mission, what do the enhancers down the bottom do?

All of the enhancers cost a certain amount of coins, the amount is shown below the icon.

Restore health will restore the health of the unit who you are using at the time back to full health (effective immediately).

Double damage will give the unit you select it on double the hitting power for the next two shots that unit takes in a single mission.

Double max health will give the unit you select it on double the health for the duration of a single mission (effective immediately).

Double armour allows the single unit it is applied on to take no damage in the two turns of that unit following enabling the armour. (To clarify, this means that that unit should be protected from when you enable the armour until the beginning of that unit’s second turn after the turn it was enabled on.)

Accuracy will show you a greater trajectory of each shot before you take it with the unit you use this on for the duration of a single mission.


How much maximum damage can the different robots do?

does 25 maximum damage.

does 50 maximum damage.

does 40 maximum damage.

does 25 maximum damage.

does 25 maximum damage.

does 50 maximum damage.

does 70 maximum damage.

does 80 maximum damage.

There may be more robots to come!


Oh no! I’ve just been told my friend has been kidnapped, what do I do?

In the current Galaxy you are in, you will notice that a new meteor has appeared on the map, this meteor will have a speech bubble coming out that says ‘Help!’ You need to go to that meteor and destroy all of the robots on it, and remove the force field around your friend to rescue them.

It is important that the friend you are rescuing does not die during this mission, or your mission will fail. To remove the force field that is holding your friend captive you need a weapon to hit the top cover with a weapon (sometimes the enemy robots will do this as well). Once the force field is removed, your friend who was captured will be able to assist in destroying any remaining robots!


I’m playing a mission, but the robot is off my screen, how do I see him?

You have two options! Firstly, you can walk your unit around, so that you are closer to the robot you wish to fire at. To do this, place your cursor just above the planet/meteor surface where you want your robot to move to and click. Secondly, you can rotate the planet/meteor (which will also zoom out), to do this click and drag on the planet body (i.e. beneath the surface) and you should find the planet/meteor will rotate!


How do I access the missions?

To access the missions, select the ‘Missions’ icon, which looks like a flying saucer, on the left when on your home planet.

Please note that planets and meteors unlock in a certain order, so you need to successfully complete each planet before moving on to the next planet (you do not need to complete the meteors before moving on to the next planet though if you do not wish to).

New galaxies require you to be a certain level before attempting them, so if you complete all the missions in your current galaxy prior to reaching the level requirement for the next level, you will need to repeat some missions (you may wish to try and achieve some medals while doing this) to level up to the required stage before attempting the next galaxy.


Where can I find information on the Medals?

From your home planet, you can select the ‘Medals’ icon on the left to read a description of all the awards currently available.

Also, when you start any mission, you can hover over the greyed out Medal to find out the general category of the medal. If you need more detail, refer to the Medals screen from your home planet.

Please note that any ‘Boot Camp’ medals require a team of three level 1 friends, so can only be completed once you are level 15 or higher.


How do I equip/change mine or my units weapons?

When on the screen that explains the mission, you will see your team listed at the bottom, select the unit you wish to change their weapons (whether it be yourself or a friend), and you will be shown their current weapons. To change the weapon simply click the left or right arrows next to one of the current weapons to be shown the other weapons that they have learnt and stop when you arrive at the weapon you wish to equip, and then select the green tick.

Please note that your friends’ units can only use weapons that they have researched, the weapons you research are only for yourself.


What is the maximum damage for the different levelled weapons?


The bazooka is one of the basic weapons that you start out with. While its damage isn’t the best, and doesn’t get that much more powerful as you upgrade it, it still remains a good weapon to use, as it is accurate (excepting the really long shots). To fire, simply aim (the white trail line is very useful), and fire. The blast radius is very small.

It takes 2 shots to kill a basic robot, and as you can see from the figures below, you need to upgrade to level 4 before it can kill a basic robot in 1 hit. For firing short distances, the white pointer trail should be good enough. For longer distances, increase the power (move the mouse away from your avatar for a stronger shot), and flatten the curve of the white pointer trail. Basically you want to shoot the enemy in the stomach as hard as you can.

Level 1: 25 damage **Starter Weapon**
Level 2: 31 damage 20 Opal, 20 Agate, 20 Steel, 20 Zinc
Level 3: 38 damage 35 Opal, 35 Agate, 35 Steel, 35 Zinc
Level 4: 44 damage
Level 5: 50 damage 100 Opal, 100 Agate, 100 Steel, 100 Zinc


These green babies are your other starting weapon, but they are not as accurate as the bazooka.
To fire, aim and throw. However, when the grenade lands, it bounces … the longer the grenade falls down from the apex of its path (the top of the curve or the end of the white pointer trail), the larger the bounce.

The bounce is also affected by gravity, and so will tend to go downhill. If the bounce ends up on a slope, the grenade will also roll downhill. Finally it explodes, and hopefully next to an enemy robot. The blast radius is a decent size on grenades.

Level 1: 30 damage **Starter Weapon**
Level 2: 38 damage 20 Agate, 20 Emerald, 20 Zinc, 20 Nickel
Level 3: 45 damage 35 Agate, 35 Emerald, 35 Zinc, 35 Nickel
Level 4: 53 damage
Level 5: 60 damage

Cluster Bomb

Everyone’s favourite weapon due to the large amount of damage that it can do. The cluster bomb is the same as a bazooka until the missile goes just past the apex of its trajectory, when it splits into 3 smaller missiles, each dealing the same damage.

Obviously, as can be seen in the picture, the robot is going to be hit by all 3 mini-missiles, thus dealing the max damage. A level 1 Cluster Bomb deals 20 damage, so if you hit the enemy before the missile splits, you deal 20 damage. If you hit the enemy with all 3 mini-missiles, you deal it 3x20 or 60 damage. Small blast radius.

Level 1: 20 damage x3 40 Amethyst, 20 Citrine, 30 Copper, 20 Silver
Level 2: 25 damage x3
Level 3: 30 damage x3
Level 4: 35 damage x3 120 Amethyst, 60 Citrine, 95 Copper, 60 Silver
Level 5: 40 damage x3 200 Amethyst, 100 Citrine, 150 Copper, 100 Silver

Energy Sword

This weapon looks very familiar … from a certain movie perhaps? Anyway, it’s a very forceful weapon, and basically you swing it left and right, and anyone standing on either side of you (also up and down a little bit), will take damage. While it is fairly powerful, its downside is that you need to stand right next to the enemy, and also if you do kill it, there is a fair chance of taking damage from bits exploding from the corpse. If you are standing uphill, this chance is reduced a lot.

Level 1: 50 damage 40 Amethyst, 20 Sapphire, 40 Silver, 20 Lead
Level 2: 63 damage 55 Amethyst, 25 Sapphire, 55 Silver, 25 Lead
Level 3: 75 damage 80 Amethyst, 40 Sapphire, 80 Silver, 40 Lead
Level 4: 88 damage
Level 5: 100 damage

Big Boomer

The Big Boomer is a different type of weapon in that the missile (a spike) doesn’t deal damage by itself. Basically you fire the spike, and it embeds itself in the ground where it lands … waiting. When any explosion nearby (from a weapon or otherwise) occurs, the spike then explodes causing massive damage. It also has a massive blast radius as well, so don’t stand close by. So the whole idea is for 1 player to land this close to a powerful enemy, and the second player to trigger it off the next turn, killing the enemy if he hasn’t moved too far away. Another use is for getting the triple kill medal.

Level 1: 100 damage 30 Sapphire, 30 Ruby, 40 Lead, 40 Platinum
Level 2: 125 damage
Level 3: 150 damage 60 Sapphire, 60 Ruby, 80 Lead, 80 Platinum
Level 4: 175 damage
Level 5: 200 damage

Fluff Bombs

Fluff Bombs are another unusual weapon in that they cannot fire upwards, the flight path tends downwards, and not very far. Once fired, three little orange fluffs come out, and bounce their way forwards. While these fluffs can get ‘trapped’ so to speak, against the feet of an enemy, generally they tend to bounce up and over the enemies, so their accuracy isn’t very good at all.

Their damage is fairly decent at level 1, 30, and their blast radius is small. The best use for these is firing them across a long stretch of even ground, or better still, into/along an underground corridor at an enemy. Another thing to remember when firing these is that the higher the arc, the bigger the bounce … and the more power, the further they go before they explode. Unless you need to bounce them over an object, the best is to use a very flat trajectory, and they will roll along the ground and not bounce at all. Here is a before and after in one ... the robot is about to get hit from 3 little cute

Level 1: 30 damage x3 30 Citrine, 40 Sapphire, 30 Silver, 40 Lead
Level 2: 38 damage x3 40 Citrine, 55 Sapphire, 40 Silver, 55 Lead
Level 3: 45 damage x3
Level 4: 53 damage x3
Level 5: 60 damage x3

Homing Missile

The Homing Missile is the most accurate weapon. You can aim directly anywhere on the map (NO NEED TO TARGET A ROBOT), and a missile will fire upwards, arc across, then down and land on top of the robot. If there is a wall above you or the target spot the missile will collide with this and explode there instead. This is a good way to trigger off a Big Boomer spike. If you are standing close to the target, the missile tends to overshoot slightly and then curve back in, hitting the target from the side opposite you.

Level 1: 25 damage 50 Ruby, 100 Topaz, 100 Platinum, 50 Gold
Level 2: 31 damage 65 Ruby, 130 Topaz, 130 Platinum, 65 Gold
Level 3: 38 damage
Level 4: 44 damage
Level 5: 50 damage


How do you upgrade weapons?

From your home planet, select ‘weapons’, you will find that you start with a bazooka and a grenade, both at level 1. To upgrade or learn new weapons you need a certain number of crystals and metals, the combination and numbers required for the next upgrade is listed below each weapon.

Once you have enough crystals and metals to upgrade your weapon of choice, select ‘Research’. Research a weapon takes some time, if you have more friends with the application, the research time can be smaller, as there are more friends to help you research. However, if you do not wish to wait for the research to complete, you can always click to ‘upgrade now’, but this will cost Playfish Cash.
How do you upgrade weapons?


How do you earn coins?

Coins are on planets and meteors when you do a mission, you need to run over them with one of your units to collect them. If you fail the mission, you will not receive the coins.


How do you earn metals?

You earn metals by visiting your friends’ planets (to find your friends’ planets select ‘Galaxy’ while on your home planet from the icons on the left), you can tell when there are metals available as the metal dispenser will be glowing. The metal dispenser (when not glowing) looks something like:

How do you earn metals?

You can only collect metals from each friend once per GMT day, so once you’ve collected metals from a friend, you need to wait until after the next midnight GMT before you can collect more metals!


How do you earn crystals?

You earn crystals by completing mission successfully! When you destroy robots they drop the crystals, they are automatically collected! If you fail the mission, you will not receive the crystals.


Weapon/Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Weapons Listing

The bazooka is one of the basic weapons that you start out with. While its damage isn’t the best, and doesn’t get that much more powerful as you upgrade it, it still remains a good weapon to use, as it is accurate (excepting the really long shots). To fire, simply aim (the white trail line is very useful), and fire. The blast radius is very small. It takes 2 shots to kill a basic robot, and as you can see from the figures below, you need to upgrade to level 4 before it can kill a basic robot in 1 hit. For firing short distances, the white pointer trail should be good enough. For longer distances, increase the power (move the mouse away from your avatar for a stronger shot), and flatten the curve of the white pointer trail. Basically you want to shoot the enemy in the stomach as hard as you can. E.g.

Weapon/Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Level 1: 25 damage **Starter Weapon**
Level 2: 31 damage 20 Opal, 20 Agate, 20 Steel, 20 Zinc
Level 3: 38 damage 35 Opal, 35 Agate, 35 Steel, 35 Zinc
Level 4: 44 damage
Level 5: 50 damage 100 Opal, 100 Agate, 100 Steel, 100 Zinc

These green babies are your other starting weapon, but they are not as accurate as the bazooka. To fire, aim and throw. However, when the grenade lands, it bounces … the longer the grenade falls down from the apex of its path (the top of the curve or the end of the white pointer trail), the larger the bounce. The bounce is also affected by gravity, and so will tend to go downhill. If the bounce ends up on a slope, the grenade will also roll downhill. Finally it explodes, and hopefully next to an enemy robot. The blast radius is a decent size on grenades.
Level 1: 30 damage **Starter Weapon**
Level 2: 38 damage 20 Agate, 20 Emerald, 20 Zinc, 20 Nickel
Level 3: 45 damage 35 Agate, 35 Emerald, 35 Zinc, 35 Nickel
Level 4: 53 damage
Level 5: 60 damage

Cluster Bomb
Everyone’s favourite weapon due to the large amount of damage that it can do. The cluster bomb is the same as a bazooka until the missile goes just past the apex of its trajectory, when it splits into 3 smaller missiles, each dealing the same damage. E.g:

Weapon/Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Obviously, as can be seen in the picture, the robot is going to be hit by all 3 mini-missiles, thus dealing the max damage. A level 1 Cluster Bomb deals 20 damage, so if you hit the enemy before the missile splits, you deal 20 damage. If you hit the enemy with all 3 mini-missiles, you deal it 3x20 or 60 damage. Small blast radius
Level 1: 20 damage x3 40 Amethyst, 20 Citrine, 30 Copper, 20 Silver
Level 2: 25 damage x3
Level 3: 30 damage x3
Level 4: 35 damage x3 120 Amethyst, 60 Citrine, 95 Copper, 60 Silver
Level 5: 40 damage x3 200 Amethyst, 100 Citrine, 150 Copper, 100 Silver

Energy Sword
This weapon looks very familiar … from a certain movie perhaps? Anyway, it’s a very forceful weapon, and basically you swing it left and right, and anyone standing on either side of you (also up and down a little bit), will take damage. While it is fairly powerful, its downside is that you need to stand right next to the enemy, and also if you do kill it, there is a fair chance of taking damage from bits exploding from the corpse. If you are standing uphill, this chance is reduced a lot.
Level 1: 50 damage 40 Amethyst, 20 Sapphire, 40 Silver, 20 Lead
Level 2: 63 damage 55 Amethyst, 25 Sapphire, 55 Silver, 25 Lead
Level 3: 75 damage 80 Amethyst, 40 Sapphire, 80 Silver, 40 Lead
Level 4: 88 damage
Level 5: 100 damage

Big Boomer
The Big Boomer is a different type of weapon in that the missile (a spike) doesn’t deal damage by itself. Basically you fire the spike, and it embeds itself in the ground where it lands … waiting. When any explosion nearby (from a weapon or otherwise) occurs, the spike then explodes causing massive damage. It also has a massive blast radius as well, so don’t stand close by. So the whole idea is for 1 player to land this close to a powerful enemy, and the second player to trigger it off the next turn, killing the enemy if he hasn’t moved too far away. Another use is for getting the triple kill medal.
Level 1: 100 damage 30 Sapphire, 30 Ruby, 40 Lead, 40 Platinum
Level 2: 125 damage
Level 3: 150 damage 60 Sapphire, 60 Ruby, 80 Lead, 80 Platinum
Level 4: 175 damage
Level 5: 200 damage

Fluff Bombs
Fluff Bombs are another unusual weapon in that they cannot fire upwards, the flight path tends downwards, and not very far. Once fired, three little orange fluffs come out, and bounce their way forwards. While these fluffs can get ‘trapped’ so to speak, against the feet of an enemy, generally they tend to bounce up and over the enemies, so their accuracy isn’t very good at all. Their damage is fairly decent at level 1, 30, and their blast radius is small. The best use for these is firing them across a long stretch of even ground, or better still, into/along an underground corridor at an enemy. Another thing to remember when firing these is that the higher the arc, the bigger the bounce … and the more power, the further they go before they explode. Unless you need to bounce them over an object, the best is to use a very flat trajectory, and they will roll along the ground and not bounce at all. Here is a before and after in one ... the robot is about to get hit from 3 little cute fluff balls:

Weapon/Gameplay Tips and Tricks
Level 1: 30 damage x3 30 Citrine, 40 Sapphire, 30 Silver, 40 Lead
Level 2: 38 damage x3 40 Citrine, 55 Sapphire, 40 Silver, 55 Lead
Level 3: 45 damage x3
Level 4: 53 damage x3
Level 5: 60 damage x3

Homing Missile
The Homing Missile is the most accurate weapon. You can aim directly anywhere on the map (NO NEED TO TARGET A ROBOT), and a missile will fire upwards, arc across, then down and land on top of the robot. If there is a wall above you or the target spot the missile will collide with this and explode there instead. This is a good way to trigger off a Big Boomer spike. If you are standing close to the target, the missile tends to overshoot slightly and then curve back in, hitting the target from the side opposite you.
Level 1: 25 damage 50 Ruby, 100 Topaz, 100 Platinum, 50 Gold
Level 2: 31 damage 65 Ruby, 130 Topaz, 130 Platinum, 65 Gold
Level 3: 38 damage
Level 4: 44 damage
Level 5: 50 damage


Crazy Planets - Time Out Hack Generator

This Generator is for the Crazy Planets Time Out Hack


Crazy Planets - Time Out Hack

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9

First Step : Complete any mission in the game .
1) Open cheat engine and choose the Firefox process.
2) Scan with Hex, 8bytes and Also Scan read only memory this code “AD840FC08550438B” without “”
3) Get the address by double click on the result address in the left hand side of cheat engine.
4) Copy the address and past it into Time Out Hack Generator and press envire.
5) Copy the result and go to cheat engine right click on the address and choose disassemble this memory region.
6) Choose from the above menu Tools -> Auto assemble
7-past the code inside the box and press execute.

View the video below for detail explanations.


Crazy Planets – Weapon Upgrade Hack

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox

For FASTER weapon upgrade,

Use Cheat Engine,

Enable the speedhack to 500 to 1000, just you like

It can finish WITHIN a minute